Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How Far Sex Can Drive A Man

I am amazed of how empowered the human male is when it comes to sex. We will go through great lengths and adventures for it. If it was not for the sex I guarantee many people would not be that much into sports, because what the hell is the point of making a goal when you are just going to get slapped in the ass by your team mate (Homosexuals don't need to comment).
We will change our whole look and persona to come to the approval of the female we are after. We would also fight each other to the death and back stab people over this craving. Women need to begin to understand just how much they can really fuck us up.
For example when a man does not get sex he starts to slowly lose his mentality. I have seen this first hand and experienced this myself. The early signs of this are
1. Agitation
2. Lack of Sleep
3. Compulsive masturbation
4. Very touchy torwards other people
5. Hostile to any ideas or suggestions
These are not yet bad and can be treated early. But once men fall into a deeper hole which they can not get out things begin to worsen, and these signs are
1. Very picky when it comes to women even though they have not been laid in months
2. Denial (One of the major issues, everyone needs sex if they say they don't they are full of shit and should seek medical help right away)
3. Start to collect animals usually a lot of cats
4. Play a lot of video games online
5.Join Live Action Role Playing Scenes (such as pretending to be Harry Potter)
Then comes the next step which is ultimately bad and there is usually no cure, these signs are
1. Stalking
2. Serial Killer
3. People who go to How To Get Laid Support Groups
4. People who cry while you drink with them
5. People who love the outdoors with out any human interaction for the rest of their lives.
6. People who look stuck in a generation that is way outdated. (People with 80's hair-dos)
When you come across these people please call your local law enforcement. Usually they will have some one tied up in their home or have done some serious sick shit.

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