Monday, November 9, 2009

The I am Better Than You Generation

I have become quite awestruck when I came across how many people out in this world today believe they are better than everyone else. It is like they had some confidence pudding with their Wheaties this morning. Now I am not talking about the alpha humans like Lance Armstrong who should have the right to think they are better than everyone else, but I am talking about the no good useless pieces of shit who some how think they run the world now.
If anyone comes across these loafs of shit please tell them what they can not see for some fucking reason. That they suck. I even have a couple of Friends like this who don't do shit but seam to bitch about how hard they work and how much shit they get done. My fucking ass! If they worked a tenth of what they say they did they wouldn't have a 38 waist line and stretch marks around where their tits and armpits meet. So please put these people in their place when you come across them. When you smell bullshit call it the fuck out and call it out loud.

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