Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So why do you live? Have you ever been asked that or thought about it? Why do I live? Not what do you live for or how you stay alive but why are you here right now on this planet?
Pretty deep question, I know. But it seems with society and culture and every other form that exists to organize us to give us a purpose to move on and not think about that question has left us pretty dull and a lack of substance. My culture is all about life as being achieved through accomplishment in money, material, and love. My religion has my life as a test of my character and if I do as it follows I reach utopia while the latter is hell.
But what if there is nothing to achieve. What if there is no purpose other then I am a simple factor in survival of my species. What if when I die there is no judgement for me or other plain of existence.
You know unless you did something remarkable that enables you to be written down in history, by the time your children's children have children you will be forgotten. You may be a name that will be mentioned once or twice but once those kids grow up you will be just a faded memory. Sort of blows right?
So with that thought how do I get up in the morning? To find these answers out. I know there is something but what it is I can not grasp. For one life is so beautiful. Even with the ugly it is still worth every penny to experience. Take your sense of smell. You can break it into a science if you like and say it is an attribute to our survival by knowing what is bad for us and what is good. Take rotten food, smells awful so I don't want to eat it and chance potential sickness or death. But take a rose. A rose smells so good but it does nothing for our survival at all, no health benefits and not edible. But yet it is an enjoyment to smell.
I could go on forever about subjects like this but for the past little while I have been so interested in my own existence. I enjoy seeing things differently then most people but sometimes it can be a curse. A true genius is one step away from insanity and sometimes I can understand why, trying to find out an answer that is on the tip of your tongue and right in front of you can drive any human being crazy.

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